A Little About Me

As a lifelong learner, I think the natural progression of someone who has always hungered for knowledge should be to share it.  Throughout my life, I’ve gleaned information from various sources whether from formal education, self-education, or being educated by the most effective teacher of all, LIFE!  They say “knowledge is power”, however, I believe differently in that I believe knowledge is only power when it’s shared!   Otherwise, it is just a collection of information that will die with the collector and never fully release it’s power into the universe.  One of the most interesting and satisfying ways that I’ve learned to share knowledge is through poetry.  I have written over 100 poems dealing with many life issues. The thing that they all have in common is that they're rooted in the word of GOD. I feel that I've been assigned the task to share the lessons that I’ve uncovered hidden in the writings of the bible.  So, my approach to writing poetry has been to view them as short sermons.  The CD project entitled “Lyrics 4 Life” is my attempt to bring the words of some of my poems to life by sharing them in my own unique way and incorporating music to help accent the lessons.  The devotional “He’s calling you” is more than just a compilation of poems, it also gives scriptural references that will allow you to share in the revelation that led to the writing of the poems. I've had the wonderful opportunity to share my gift with many people at a number of different settings, I've spoken at numerous events and venues throughout the southeast and through the power of social media, I’ve been able to reach people all over the world.  


Also, I've been able to give back to the local community and it’s leaders that have so faithfully supported me by sharing my gift with many young people.  I’ve had the pleasure of serving others at "The Empowerment Zone" in Greenville, SC, I’ve worked with Don Peppers and Camp Proverbs during productions at Pendleton High School, Southwood Middle school, and The Westside Community Center. I've worked with Kevin Norris founder of "Miracles", a community outreach program. I've been given the opportunity to share the stage with many poets that I appreciate as well as admire. Some of the names include Chiccy Baritone, Robert Mullins aka Moody Black, Dawun, Hakim da poet, Truth Freeman, and many others who are too numerous to name. I've been featured in several plays with “P and T productions” and shared the stage with recording artist Rob Wansley, gospel recording artists Tracie Oliver and Shawn Bigby, In addition to many other artists which include some "off Broadway" actors. I'm also honored to have shared the microphone with Terrance Roberts, the first black mayor of Anderson, SC. While I'm still growing in my role as a spoken word artist, I have no doubt that this is a gift from God that I will continue to share and grow in for as long as He allows me to!


Toney Robinson

(Aka) Lyrical Atonement


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